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[C / C ] Text color in Dev-C – How do change color of text in Dev C

To write text color in Dev-C you can simply use the command system(“color xy”);
Where x is the background color, y is the text color:
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/gta-san-andreas-mac-dmg-file.html. But on the way back with an error if the entire set different color font color will be there, ie the colored letters that we finally put color. To fix it you have to learn and know the function (library use windows.h) on congdongcviet.com

After reading also do not understand what, but make it stable, Fixed color of the text as desired.

Text Color In Dev C 2b 2b 4

Following colors are available for use in C graphics programming.

Function textcolor is used to change the color of drawing text in C programsTurbo C compiler only. Declaration: void textcolor(int color); where color is an integer variable. For example, 0 means BLACK color, 1 means BLUE, 2 means GREEN and soon. You can also use write appropriate color. Void textcolor(int color); description of textcolor change the color of drawing text where color is a integer variable Color Value BLACK 0BLUE 1GREEN 2CYAN 3RED 4MAGENTA 5BROWN 6LIGHTGRAY 7DARKGRAY 8LIGHTBLUE 9LIGHTGREEN 10LIGHTCYAN 11LIGHTRED 12LIGHTMAGENTA 13YELLOW 14WHITE 15 #include #include int main( void ) textcolor(BLUE+BLINK); cprintf('textcolor. Colors are bit-encoded. If You want to change the Text color in C language There are many ways. In the console, you can change the properties of output.click this icon of the console and go to properties and change color. The second way is calling the system colors.

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Colors table


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Total number of colors available depend on current graphics driver and mode. Use colors name in capital letters, for example,use setcolor(RED) not setcolor(red) the latter will give you an error. You may use number instead of color for example,setbkcolor(GREEN) or setbkcolor(2) are same, but you are advised to use color name as it will improve readability of program.